We offer counseling service on telephone or Skype regarding Cooking north Indian Breakfast dishes. This can be split into several sessions of 30 minutes each.
We do not conduct any cooking practice as part of this service. Only advice and guidance on the Indian breakfast Ideas will be provided. The client can ask any question related to south Indian breakfast and get them answered.
Why you should consider taking this service instead of googling or find information through youtube etc. ?
Learning any topic needs to be structured properly so that you can adopt the same for your requirements appropriately. The counselor helps you to understand the right way to get started and guide you with the information that is tailored for your requirement. Internet search engines just dump you with information, which you will take many hours to just scan through the information and then understand loosely structured information. You also can not concentrate on the same due to the distractions. The counselor may still provide the right information path on the internet along with other sources. So, you will pay for saving your own precious time, tailoring the information for your needs, and for answering your questions.
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