At CareerBuddyOnline we strive to serve the aspiring professionals at various career levels with appropriate services to help them achieve their career goals comprehensively.
We invite you to experience this free webinar on 10th Oct, 2018 at 4.30 PM, where you have the following takeaways:
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▪Opportunities for career development through volunteering
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–Get Rs. 500 in your CBO wallet, which can be used for future purchases *
–Get additional 10% off on the book “Mantras for Career Success: Get Set Go!” #
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Mantras for career success is a book on career development. Students & professionals at various job levels are target audience. The book attempts to provide insights into multiple aspects that play a crucial role in achieving career progression and success.
We live in a complex professional environment where one has to take care of the company’s interest, individual interest and family’s interest & achieve the best of the career milestones. However, majority of professionals don’t have a clue about how to drive on their career path while protecting all those interests.
This book aims to support 95% of the working professionals and students, who don’t have a godfather and a favorable professional setup to advance their career. Only a few lucky people get chance to work with the best of managers and get mentored by the right mentors.
It has been written more directly to understand the critical success factors and specific nitty-gritty of adopting the best practices. This book goes a long way to help increase the per capita contributions to the nation. This is achieved through better performance, making professionals more employable and increasing the happiness quotient. If professionals become more aware of taking control of their career development and achieve success, then the purpose of the book is served.
Mantras for career success has palatable content for readers. The recommendations, guidance are in a direct fashion. I have made an honest effort to provide as many takeaways from each of the topics for the readers.
Here are the reviews on this book:
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